
Something that I have often found fascinating when I go to the symphony, or even attend my kid’s orchestra concerts, is how before the start of the show there seems to be so much chaos. As people are getting seated, you often hear so many of the musicians playing their own parts of different songs that they will be playing that evening. I imagine what sounds logical to them, when mixed with everyone else doing their own thing, to me, sounds like disjointed noise. Yet, minutes later, one man draws it all together to a beautiful sounding melody of interwoven instruments.

This makes me think about life in and of itself. How often do we find ourselves in the midst of chaos in our own home when everyone is focused on their own needs and issues to the extent that it creates some interpersonal disconnects and verbal arguments. Sometimes in the midst of this lack of 'other awareness,' we can find ourselves stepping on each other's toes or talking over each other. Instead of unity, there becomes a cacophony of verbal posturing in order to be heard and understood, like a lot of brass musicians tooting their own horn. Then the hurt feelings begin.

So how do we find our way back to a unity that brings our individual sounds to a unified symphonic piece? It takes one man, Christ. Christ calls each one of us to allow Him to be the conductor of our lives and the unifier of our relationships with others. When we let His grace surround our family interactions and utilize that grace when dealing with others, more often than not, it can create unity. When a family is working together, and respecting each other, and seeking to understand each other's needs, as well as help each other get their needs met, our life together becomes like the symphony playing a beautifully intertwined masterpiece of music.

Maybe this sounds a little schmaltzy, but what I learned from being in a band myself, is that if you don't listen to the rest of the group, you're bound to be offbeat, off key, or ‘on the wrong measure’ all together. It's when we truly listen and work together, that the "song comes alive,' and that life becomes a more fulfilling and joyful blessing.

ACTION STEP: This week, spend less time ‘tooting’ your own horn and truly listening to how you can unify your life with those you love.


The Book of Sirach and Marriage - 1


Celebrate the Successes (Big or Small)